On September 23, Flipkart will organize its most talked about festival sale event. Ahead of the Big Billion Days sale, the company has announced some lucrative iPhone deals. On a range of devices including iPhone 13, iPhone 11, iPhone 12 mini and more, the e-commerce giant promises to offer huge discounts. This is probably the best time to buy an iPhone if you intend to do so.
The teaser has indicated that the iPhone 13 may be offered in India for Rs 49,990 during the Flipkart Big Billion Days sale. Apple has recently reduced the price of iPhone 13 to Rs 69,990. This basically means that Flipkart will offer a discount of Rs 20,000 on this iPhone, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Apart from some flat discounts, there is a chance that the offer will be based on bank cards, prepaid orders and exchange offers. As the sale schedule draws closer, we will bring more clarity on the same soon. Keep in mind that since Apple doesn't include a charger in the box, you'll have to pay extra for it as well.
According to the teaser released by Flipkart, the iPhone 11 will be available for less than Rs 30,000, while the iPhone 12 Mini will cost less than Rs 40,000. Additionally, the Flipkart Billion Days sale will include significant discounts on the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max. The devices will cost less than Rs 90,000 and Rs 100,000 respectively.
The exact price and other details are still unknown, but Flipkart has confirmed that the exact iPhone deals will be revealed later today. It's important to note that most deals are likely to include flat discounts, as well as bank and prepaid offers.