Chandan Prabhakar on leave from The Kapil Sharma Show: Chandan Prabhakar has revealed the real reason for leaving the comedy show 'The Kapil Sharma Show'. In his recent interview, he has dismissed the rumors of a rift with Kapil Sharma and made it clear that there is nothing like this.
TV's famous comedy show 'The Kapil Sharma Show' has once again made a comeback among the audience with some new cast. In the first episode of the new season of the show, Kapil's favorite Akshay Kumar arrived for the promotion of his film 'Katputli'. The funny thing is that Chandu aka Chandan Prabhakar was also seen making the audience laugh in the show. Viewers were shocked to see Chandu in the first episode of the show (The Kapil Sharma Episode 1) as recently Chandan Prabhakar announced that he has left the show. In such a situation, his presence has put people in confusion.
For your information, let us tell you that Chandan Prabhakar is one of Kapil Sharma's close friends. He has been a part of Kapil's show for many years. In such a situation, the audience was surprised by his sudden departure from the show. Now Chandan himself has told the real reason for leaving 'The Kapil Sharma Show'.
Chandan Prabhakar told the truth While talking to 'E-Times', Chandan Prabhakar said, 'I have been a part of the show for the last five years. I only took a break because of time. I feel when you are part of a project for a long time, it becomes necessary to take breaks and focus on other things. I am looking forward to working in a web show. Apart from this, I want to spend quality time with my family.
Let us tell you that in the interview, Chandan also dismissed the reports, which said that there has been a rift between Chandan and Kapil. According to the report, the comedian said, 'Many times you are not able to decide what you have to do. I was unsure about doing the show. After doing one episode, I decided that I should take a break. People shouldn't take anything more from it."